资深Unity 2D跨平台程式开发设计师

<aside> ℹ️ Address: 135 Yanping Road (Wework Private Office) Salary: 35K - 45k RMB x 13 months Share Options: 0.5 - 1.0% ****


Adventure是一家极具潜力的初创游戏公司,我们致力于打造未来风靡全球的全新娱乐方式,开发基于 Twitch 和 Discord 中直播互动型社交游戏,我们相信就在社群领袖们主导的直播游戏中,我们将一起引领下一个改变生活娱乐方式的潮流。 Adventure is a new venture-backed startup company building collaborative social games integrated with live streaming on Twitch and Discord.

我们是谁?Who are we

Adventure的团队成员均有着深厚的游戏直播和F2P 游戏行业背景,共同向着远大的目标飞速成长。为了实现快速增长的目标,我们希望吸纳更多志同道合的游戏创作人才加入创始团队,一起开启全新视角,颠覆传统游戏行业,赋能每位团队成员,实现每个人独一无二的创意和梦想。

We believe that games played on livestreams led by social leaders will be the future of social gaming. We want to be at the forefront of bringing this new way of having fun and making friends around the world. We have an ambitious growing team consisting of members from both the live streaming and F2P game industries.

还在等什么?Apply today

我们已经在美国获得了风投支持,并计划在2022年底前完成下一轮更大规模的融资。现在就是作为创始成员加入团队共同成长的最佳时机,快加入我们共同在这条特别的社交游戏赛道中攻城略地吧!我们的游戏Streamwalker Tribes目前在内测阶段就已经收获了令人惊喜的成绩,包括每日游戏时间及7 日/30 日玩家留存率在内的多项数据指标都远超行业平均水平十倍以上。

We just raised our venture funding from the US and looking to raise a much bigger round before the end of 2022. It is a perfect time to join as a founding member and grow with our company as we quickly take our unique social gaming concept to scale!

我们有开放包容的公司文化 Company culture

还有全面丰富的公司福利 Benefits working for us